Mark Robertson

Partner, Research

Mark is a leading authority on Scotland’s property markets and has delivered more than 300 consultancy projects as well as publishing the authoritative Scottish Property Review since 1993. His market analysis and advice underpins major areas including Edinburgh West and Waterfront, Glasgow City Centre, East and Clyde Waterfront and funding initiatives such as TIF, RIGS, ERDF and Growth Deals.

Mark is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.


  • Proven business leader
  • Trusted market adviser
  • Recognised market authority
  • Consultancy project leader


Ryden business planning Driving modernisation of technology (‘proptech’), people strategy, branding and marketing to provide a better platform for service delivery and further growth; then adapted the business plan and led Ryden through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scottish Government Delivered and authored a suite of major consultancy projects for the Scottish Government’s review of Planning, including infrastructure (RTPI UK award-winning), SPZs, planning permission, housing land audits, site delivery, and planning, economy and place.

Scottish Land Commission Led the recent, high profile Vacant & Derelict Land research for the Scottish Land Commission, including the seminal baseline report for the Task Force and workstreams including the economics of vacant & derelict land and the persistence of ‘stuck sites’.

Property market analysis, forecasts and strategies for many of Scotland’s highest-profile masterplans, regeneration areas and urban expansions, typically including economic, financial, business and funding models; including long term repeat commissions since inception for example at Clyde Gateway URC and Glasgow’s Transformational Regeneration Areas.