Charlotte Ballantyne

Associate, Research

Charlotte joined Ryden in 2019 having worked extensively within the property sector for the last 15 years. She is PRINCE2 qualified and project manages both external consultancy services to clients and internal consultancy and advice to Ryden.

Charlotte works with predominately public sector clients reviewing their property and land portfolios and providing strategic advice. This involves reviewing existing asset strategies and property reports, assessment of property market economics, reviewing levels of demand, analysing existing assets (supply) and synthesising findings into clear, evidence based recommendations. Charlotte also undertakes much of the Research team’s consultation and case study work across all projects.


  • Property Consultancy
  • Economic and market analysis
  • Commercial Needs Assessments
  • Public sector funding studies
  • Property market advice to most of Scotland’s local authorities and public sector bodies


East Lothian Council Commercial Needs Study 2020 Analysis of commercial property and land in the area to provide recommendations for the next Local Development Plan.

Scottish Enterprise South of Scotland Property Review A baseline study completed in advance of the new South of Scotland Development Agency which analysed c. 7m sqft of commercial property in the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway.

City of Edinburgh Council Commercial Needs, Mixed Use Delivery An extension of Ryden’s original commercial needs study assessing the impact of redeveloping existing brownfield sites for mixed use to support the City’s housing requirements.

Scottish Land Commission Funding Options for Vacant and Derelict Land Review of existing funding options for vacant and derelict land to inform how best to align and direct future funding and investment.

Angus Council Property Portfolio Analysis Employment land and property market analysis to inform ability to respond to future demand.