For Sale
Residential Development
Offers Invited
2 Acres
For Sale
Residential Development
Offers Invited
2 Acres
The property comprises a regular shaped cleared and generally level site. The site benefits from having prominent frontage to Hollandhurst Road. Access could potentially be taken from Hollandhurst Road or from either the modern development of the north (Heatherbell Road or from West George Street to the south.
The site area extends to 0.66 hectares (1.63 acres) or thereby.
The site is allocated in the North Lanarkshire Council's Local Development Plan, Modified Proposal Plan under Policy PROM LOC3 Housing Development site as an Existing Housing Site (Site Ref NLMK 1049). North Lanarkshire Council as Planning Authority, accepts in-principle the redevelopment of the subject site for residential development.
The site offers an excellent opportunity for redevelopment for residential use, situated within a well established area.
The site also has the potential to be redeveloped for alternative uses which would be compatible with the adjacent residential developments, subject to the usual statutory planning requirements.