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For Sale - Under Offer
Ladyfield East, Glencaple Road, Dumfries, Scotland, DG1 4TE

For Sale


Residential Development


Offers Invited


3 Acres

Ref No



Ladyfield East is a good example of a relatively small number of classical styled villas on the outskirts of Dumfries dating from the early 19th century. It is B listed.

The building is a two storey classical villa in a T-plan situated within large wooded grounds. The west elevation has a classicised central porch, a frieze, cornice and blocking course flanked by a curved flight of steps on either side of the door.

The vestibule is classically decorated with doric columns framing the entrance into the elevated hall which is reached by steps. A cantilevered stair with decorative cast-iron balusters remains at the end of the hall. Other period features have been removed.

The fabric has undergone some early changes, though apart from the single storey 20th century addition to the south, the footprint of the villa remains much as it was in 1843. Originally simply called Ladyfield, it was built in the 1820s or early 1830s.

A brickbuilt lodge is situated at the entrance and is suitable for a return to residential and there are single storey office and recreation buildings in the grounds. The layout is shown on the draft title plan below.

A previous planning application envisaged conversion into 5 residential units with an additional 7 flatted residential units and two standalone cottage units within the grounds. Interested parties should make their own enquiries to the planning department within Dumfries and Galloway Council.

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Alan Gilkison


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