For Sale
Residential Development
Offers Invited
1 Acres
For Sale
Residential Development
Offers Invited
1 Acres
The property is located within the highly regarded area of Cathcart, approximately 6 miles south of Glasgow City Centre. Cathcart is a desirable residential area and offers a range of housing including traditional stone villas, inter war housing and modern executive housing and flats. Cathcart, is close to Langside and Battlefield Road, which offer a wide range of shops, restaurants and leisure facilities. The property is located on the northern side of Elrig Road and benefits from a southerly aspect. Excellent transport links are close by and the site is within walking distance of Cathcart Station.
The property, accessed from Elrig Road, and comprises a former bowling green and associated landscaped areas which are now formally confirmed to be surplus to the requirements of Cathcart Bowling Club.
The subject site is identified as Sports Areas - Tennis Courts'
in the Council's Open Space Strategy:-
Therefore, the subject site falls under City Development Plan
Interim Planning Guidance 6 Green Belt & Green Network':-
This policy aims to ensure that areas of formal and informal
open space are protected from inappropriate development.
Furthermore, the loss of the bowling greens would fall within
the remit of Sport Scotland.
Any proposals to develop the subject site will require to
address these policies.