For Sale
Investment - Industrial/Logistics
Offers in Excess Of £2,600,000
33,061 Sq Ft
For Sale
Investment - Industrial/Logistics
Offers in Excess Of £2,600,000
33,061 Sq Ft
Industrial/distribution unit located within Deans Industrial Estate, Livingston. The property is a good quality industrial / distribution unit of steel portal frame construction with walls and roof clad in insulated profile metal sheeting. The unit has a minimum eaves height of 4.6m rising to 6.4 m at the apex. Internally the unit has gas fire heating and a single storey cellular office block with kitchen and toilet facilities. The roof of the office block is load bearing and is currently used as a mezzanine for small part storage. The warehouse has ground level access doors on each elevation and two further dock level doors leading onto the secure yard. Pedestrian access is via the office reception.
Externally the yard is concrete with a tarmac entry road and enclosed by palisade fencing with a security gate. There is a car park to the south west of the unit with further car parking along the eastern elevation. The secure yard runs the majority of the western elevation and northern gable end.
The full 2 acre site includes the landscaped area to the south and northeast of the unit. The full Title is available upon request.